The shirasaya sword has a unique history and is quite popular among collectors due to its sleek aesthetic. The word shirasaya translates to “white scabbard” and describes the clean design of the scabbard, rather than the blade. A traditional Japanese shirasaya can include katanas, wakizashis, and even tantos within its stylistic requirements.
Shirasaya scabbards can be used to protect all types of blades, including yaris or spears. The main purpose of a shirasaya is to preserve the samurai sword blade when it is not being used. This type of scabbard is not meant to be used during combat because there is no tsuba (hand guard) or handle wrappings to ensure a strong grip. Most shirasaya designs are a simple wooden scabbard with an occasional sword appraisal (sayagaki) written on the outside.
The shirasaya was extremely simple in comparison to the koshirae, a more detailed sword mounting technique used on most samurai swords. The simplicity of the shirasaya is a beautiful compliment to any samurai blade. Explore swords made specifically for the shirasaya style scabbard and tsuka at Swords of Northshire.
Our Shirasaya Sword Selection
Discover the perfect style for your needs in the dojo, for ceremonies, or to put on display. These stunning scabbards complement and preserve their blades in times of peace.
Each of our simple style scabbard and blade combinations are made of premium steel, including folded Damascus steel, 1060 high carbon steel, or 1095 high carbon steel. We also carry several hand painted scabbards and color infused blades in this collection.
The Swords of Northshire Promise
Our scabbard and tsukas are made with the highest-quality materials in the simple traditional design. Whether you’re looking for a wakizashi to add to your collection or a ninja sword for battle, take a look at our selection of shirasaya swords for a smooth, elegant design. Shop Swords of Northshire now for handcrafted, made-to-order pieces.